Monday, May 14, 2007

Don's 21st Street Deli

E. 21st Street and Superior. Cleveland, Ohio.
Liver and onions special is excellent and cheap. Best liver and onions I’ve ever had, though the mashed potatoes were runny.
--RR 1989


Anonymous said...

Back in the late 80's Tim Kelly and I found Sean Watkins stolen Pontiac Tempest here at 2 or 3-odd in the morning. We had a hard time getting the cops despite close proximity to the Old Central police station on Payne Ave. Once rousted, the cops sent us (very drunk, btw) to Fairfield Ave. in Tremont to awaken Sean so he could claim his car immediately. Upon our return, we were surrounded by a group of glowering patrons and help, as the thief was apparently a regular.
There was a scary Ronald Reagan halloween mask in the back seat. The stolen car had likely been used in robberies, but the ever-vigilant Cleveland police were not concerned. Sean had the keys to the car (it had been hot-wired), the patron/thief did not, so Sean got to take his car.

Anonymous said...

Also, I often ordered the liver and onions when I briefly worked as a screen printer at the Tower Press Building across the street during summer '85. I was working up to 12 hours a day for minimum wage, then a grand $3.35 an hour. It was probably the meal with the highest calorie/nutrition to money ratio.